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The Security Project - Compiler and runtime systems for secure program execution
Computer systems are storehouses of personal information. As more and more personal data are stored in computer systems, and more and more computers are connected through the Internet, ensuring the confidentiality of the private data has become a critical problem. The Security project proposes a co-designed compiler and runtime system that securely protect private information in various computing environments.

People in the Security project


Refereed International Conference Publications

DaCapo: Automatic Bootstrapping Management for Efficient Fully Homomorphic Encryption [abstract] (USENIX Security, GitHub)
Seonyoung Cheon, Yongwoo Lee, Dongkwan Kim, Ju Min Lee, Sunchul Jung, Taekyung Kim, Dongyoon Lee, and Hanjun Kim
33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), August 2024.

MPC-Wrapper: Fully Harnessing the Potential of Samsung Aquabolt-XL HBM2-PIM on FPGAs [abstract]
Jinwoo Choi, Yeonan Ha, Hanna Cha, Seil Lee, Sungchul Lee, Jounghoo Lee, Shin-haeng Kang, Bongjun Kim, Hanwoong Jung, Hanjun Kim, and Youngsok Kim
The 32nd IEEE International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), May 2024.

Performance-aware Scale Analysis with Reserve for Homomorphic Encryption [abstract] (ACM, PDF)
Yongwoo Lee, Seonyoung Cheon, Dongkwan Kim, Dongyoon Lee, and Hanjun Kim
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems 2024 (ASPLOS), April 2024.

ELASM: Error-Latency-Aware Scale Management for Fully Homomorphic Encryption [abstract] (USENIX Security, GitHub, PDF)
Yongwoo Lee, Seonyoung Cheon, Dongkwan Kim, Dongyoon Lee, and Hanjun Kim
32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), August 2023.

HECATE: Performance-Aware Scale Optimization for Homomorphic Encryption Compiler [abstract] (IEEE Xplore, PDF)
Yongwoo Lee, Seonyeong Heo, Seonyoung Cheon, Shinnung Jeong, Changsu Kim, Eunkyung Kim, Dongyoon Lee, and Hanjun Kim
Proceedings of the 2022 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), April 2022.

Detecting and Identifying Faulty IoT Devices in Smart Home with Context Extraction [abstract]
Jiwon Choi, Hayoung Jeoung, Jihun Kim, Youngjoo Ko, Wonup Jung, Hanjun Kim, and Jong Kim
Proceedings of the 48th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), June 2018.

Refereed International Conference Poster

Privacy Authority-Aware Compiler for Homomorphic Encryption on Edge-Cloud [abstract]
Dongkwan Kim, Yongwoo Lee, Seonyoung Cheon, Heelim Choi, Jaeho Lee, Dongyoon Lee, and Hanjun Kim
32nd USENIX Security Symposium - (Poster) (USENIX Security), August 2023.